How would you feel if your doctor informed you that he didn't have any of your records on file because he prefers to diagnose and prescribe and he's not really into all the paperwork. After all he didn't go to medical school to keep records.
What if your lawyer told you that he didn't like to take notes in his meetings with you because he doesn't like form filling.
What about flying with an airline that didn't require it's pilots to file incident reports because it was a lot of hassle....
It would be hard to imagine such a scenario. Why then, I am forever listening to excuse after excuse for salespeople not keeping their CRM up to date, keeping account plans current and managing their opportunity plans.
It's always the same supercilious clap trap.
"Salespeople don't like filling in forms"
"They don't see it as helping them sell more"
"They don't have time"
Well guess what? I don't care. It helps me manage my business better and I pay the piper so I call the tune. Period.
It's time that the sales managers who tolerate these excuses grew a backbone.
Who's in charge anyway?
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